Fashion as a career offers huge outlets for creativity as new systems and products get molded by designers to suit indigenous requirements, such as local tastes and preferences in accordance with climactic conditions, prevalent trends etc. Your creativity allows you to lend a unique individual flavor to something very ordinary or common place.
That's exactly the reason why designing can be exciting and very stimulating as a career option. Designing can not only make us feel better, it can improve our over all life as well.
It's a career option that can convert an inborn or acquired skill into a great job. For this, a person must have the flair for designing. Fashion designers today are the biggest trend setters. That explains why a fashion scenario can be defined by a constant metamorphosis. In order to achieve this, designers are exposed to existing trends and styles and are also given grounding in the history of fashion and art.
They are also regularly in touch with ongoing fashion events and developments taking place all over the world. At the same time, it is also required for fashion designers to learn and understand some basic principles of business and marketing so that the designed items could reach a wider segment of buyers.
The areas these designers work on vary from textile to rockets. In other words, there is a huge diversification possible in designing these days, right from jewellery design, product design communication design, integrated IT design, ceramic design, footwear design or other forms of accessory design as well.
Designers may be responsible for a no of tasks, such as conducting research for various fashion trends, staying updated on latest styles, creating sketches and prototypes, finalizing on the raw materials, attending / organizing fashion shows, deciding for marketing strategies or even supervising/monitoring an entire production process.
India with its rich cultural heritage, offers a huge scope for designers. That's the reason why the Indian tag has started arousing the curiosity of people all over the world, Indian designs are inspired by both tradition and modernity at the same time. On the other hand, designing as a career option is witnessing a meteoric rise from the point of view of salaries it's offering to potential designers. It's getting increasingly lucrative by every passing day as designers can expect anywhere from 15000 to 40000 in the very beginning itself.
Designing today is a highly upmarket and glamorous career, it can also offer a lot of challenges and job satisfaction at the same time. If the candidates have the right attitude and the motivation, it can be a highly fulfilling career. People entering this field, should be willing to work in a team and should be able to give their best under pressure.
No surprise, with all these possibilities, fashion designing has emerged as one of the most sought after professions of the modern times.
As a designer one can find employment with product manufacturers, garment export houses, fashion show organizers, lifestyle design houses or one could become an entrepreneur. one could specialize in women's wear, men's wear accessories ,graphic design ,animations etc .Fields like fashion merchandising, fashion journalism , visual merchandising are branch from mainstream designing.
After class XII, students can opt for a career in fashion/design by pursuing their professional degree from one of the many institutes offering courses in design, art and fashion. Some of these institutes are: NIFT, NID, PEARL, NIIFT MOHALI AND COLLEGE OF ART DELHI etc. Each of these institutes admits students who qualify in entrance tests.