14 Books Set for preparation of NIFT - GAT / CAT. Which includes books on Creative Aptitude Test, General Aptitude Test, Previous Years Solved Question Bank, Test Series, Mock Test Papers & Many More. See Details Below.
Buy Now14 books Set for preparation of NIFT - GAT/CAT
- 5 Books on Creative Aptitude Test
- 3 Books on General Aptitude Test-Quantitative Aptitude, English, Logical Reasoning
- 3 Books including Test Series-Quantitative Aptitude, English, Logical Reasoning
- 1 Book on General Awareness
- 1 Book on Fashion/Design Awareness
- 1 Book on 17 Previous Years Solved Question Bank of NIFT-CAT -1999-2015 with suggested answers.
- Sectional Assignments on Creative Aptitude Test
- 6 Mock Test Papers both on CAT and GAT for NIFT with suggested answers.
1. BOOK-1-Introduction to Basic Drawing Fundamentals
- Basics of Drawing -Lines and Shapes
- Gradation Chart
- Color Theory, Color Schemes and color Compositions
- Still Life Drawings, Eye Levels and Symmetrical Drawing Concepts,Object drawings from day today life.
- Perspective- Types and Usage
2. BOOK-2-Anatomy Drawing and Compositions :
- Human Body Knowledge
- Anatomy, Proportions and Divisions
- Basic and advanced Human Drawings
- Hands and Feets Study
- Human Features
- Animal and Bird Study
- Practice Exercises
3. BOOK-3-Creative and Exploratory :
- Color Rendering and Design
- Inspirational Design
- Means of Advertisement-Visual Communication
- Grid Collages
- Metamorphosis
- Study of Objects and Lateral Thinking
4. BOOK-4-Imagination and Expression :
- Compositions
- Story Illustrations
- Pictograms and Signage
- Geometrical and Design Exercise
5. BOOK-5-(EXERCISE BOOK) Interactive and Emotive :
- Practice exercises on the topic mentioned in the Creative books to develop
- compositional sense
- placement of different figures proportionally.
- Sense of proportion.
- Drawing of human figures of different postures, action and age groups.
- Sense of solutions which is required in terms of solutions of different design entrance exam.
This book consists of questions on Addition, Multiplication, Division, Fractions, Percentage, Rate of Interest, Work and Task, Ratio and Proportion and Distance.
It includes questions on synonyms, antonyms, words with corresponding meanings, singular, plural, one word substitutes, idioms and phrases, correct spellings, etc. It also includes exercises to comprehend a situation from a given passage.
This book is designed to test the candidate's inference and logic from the given information. It includes Analogy, Logical Sequences, Visual Reasoning Embedded Figures with Statements.
It includes topics on general awareness which is in relevance with the design entrance examination . Its compilation includes books and author, awards, national facts and figures, culture of India etc.
Why to order postal program from AFA ?
Well designed course content by NID / NIFT Alumni covering all subjects in depth
Home assignments reinforce the concepts and learning.
- Guidelines for solving the questions focussing the basics of sketching and its usage.
- Solved Question Bank with suggested answers.
- Starting from Scratch to Detailing which builds the confidence of students with a problem solving approach.
- Focusing on overall practical knowledge.
- Preparation based and focussing on the Syllabus.
- Develops over all creative skills of a design aspirant which not only helps him cracking the entrance but also makes him ready to face the challenges after entering a design college.
- Mock & Full Length Tests with analysis which Periodically benchmark your performance and discover flaws in preparation.
- 24/7 online support via email so you can Share your doubts and problems.